2016.09.15 – Hummingbirds in the Gardens

Today was a day off of work for me. Whenever we release a major version of our software, our team gets a day off. I decided to take the day and get my head into a better space. I achieved this between cleaning up my home office and shooting some flower porn. But today, the Hummingbirds were all out in force.

Hummingbird at the SF Botanical Garden

2016.07.23 – Labyrinth

The Positive Path Labyrinth

Today, I went over to the National AIDS Memorial Grove to visit a friend’s art installation during Playa at the Grove. He installed a labyrinth for people to share their stories and experiences revolving around HIV/AIDS. More information is on his site at positivepathlabyrinth.org.

One of the things that dawned on me while waking the labyrinth is that I have pretty much lived in a world where HIV and the effects of HIV/AIDS are present.

Recently, NPR had a story talking about PrEP (link). Over lunch the other day, I had a coworker mention about PrEP asking me about it and admited that he didn’t realize HIV was still a major concern. Even he mentioned that it faded away for him due to the advancements in treatment. It is important that everyone continue to share how HIV/AIDS effects us today so it doesn’t fade away.



2016.07.04 – San Francisco Fireworks

It was Independence Day in SF – so the perennial question asked by everyone all weekend long was: “Will the fireworks be fogged out?”

Of course, we can just assume the answer is yes during Fog Season.  However it doesn’t stop anyone from crowding around Pier 39, Fort Manson, The Marina Green, or the Presidio to watch them?  And more so, not not for me.

Compared to last year the fog was higher, so for us that were close enough to the water’s edge we got a good show.  I got myself down to the Marina Green about 30 minutes before the show started, setup the camera, and just dangled my feet over the Seawall relaxing before things explode in the air.

As with previous years, I wish Karl stayed off to the coast.  It looks like the fireworks they shot high would have been spectacular.  But alas, they were consumed by the fog and turned San Francisco into a city eerily lit by pascal colored fog.

Enjoy the pictures.
