Been a while since I have wanted to upload some of my photos to my website. Went out for a walk with the super-telephoto and went hunting for birds. Got a lot of cuties here.
2020.05.20 – Another walk in the park
As the weather gets nicer during the shelter in place, I am finding myself grabbing the camera when I head out for an evening walk. I really want to just spend a full day in a garden shooting, but the SF Botanical Gardens are still closed. At least the rest of the park is in bloom right now and providing some pretty flower porn. Enjoy.
2020.05.13 – Walking around the park
It has been a while since I have posted anything to my sites. Life has been busy and I haven’t been out taking many pictures. To escape staring a screen all day I decided to take a walk to and from the Rose Garden in Golden Gate Park. Ironically, I stared into the OLED EVF of the a7iii instead. But the good news is I still have my flower porn skills intact. Enjoy.
2019.06.24 – Crater Lake and Lava Beds
Over the weekend I decided to get out and do a quick weekend road trip after seeing that the weather around Crater Lake was going to be clear and sunny. While I had to do some detours on the way up, it was an enjoyable trip. It reminded me that I need to do these more often. Enjoy.
2019.03.16 – Poppies
It has been a while since I have posted anything to this site. Yesterday I decided to go down to the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve to go witness this years wonder wildflower blooms. While busy, I was able to get a bunch of good shots. Enjoy.
2018.07.04 – Independence Day Fireworks
This meme image from SFGate tells it all. Taking Independence Day Fireworks is always a risk in SF. Most years it is just fogged out and is often not worth the effort of getting somewhere you can see them and then dealing with the traffic home. But somehow this year Karl the Fog took the night off and gave us some great skies for fireworks. Enjoy!
2018.06.16 – Lava Beds Road Trip Photos
These are the photos from my road trip up to Lava Beds and back down the coast to SF.
2018.05.20 – Death Valley Photos
Over the weekend of May 19th, I took a road trip out to Death Valley for the weekend. These are the photos from my journey. Enjoy!
2018.03.18 – UC Berkeley Botanical Garden
2018.03.11 – UC Davis Arboretum
Sometimes one just needs to escape the city and do something different. I decided to head to UC Davis to check out their Arboretum. Here are the pictures I took.